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Box 81,
Marengo, SK, S0L 2K0


about us

Kathy and Keith Warrington
Owners and Operators
of Merid & Magna

Kathy was raised travelling the world with her family.  Her parents had a passion for history as was evident in their vast collection of antiques.  Kathy worked as a social worker primarily in international and domestic adoptions until she decided to focus on her expanding antique refinishing and restoration business on the farm and help her husband Keith with his farm/ranch operation.  Busy with this business as well as a large garden and orchard, the schools fit beautifully into her quiet but busy life on the prairie.  You will see many pieces that she has restored especially for the schools.

Keith was born and raised in this area.  In fact his family once homesteaded on the land where they now live. Many of his family members attended Merid School and he himself attended Magna Bonum School in Grade 1-2.  Keith's family have beautiful and deep pioneering roots both in the history of Merid as well as the schools.  In many ways the restoration of these schools is in honor of all of those pioneers who paved the way for the future generations. 

Family is the most important part of Keith and Kathy’s lives and providing an opportunity for people to spend time with one another at these schools is literally a dream come true.